Global Health Tech
Global Health Tech - Life Sciences University and Innovation Hub (GHLUIH) is an upcoming, 100-Acre healthcare ecosystem in Hyderabad, India. GHLUIH will be the first of its kind in the country, developing top quality research centres, innovation hubs, medical colleges and hospitals meeting global standards.
Client: Global University Foundation
Scope: Branding, Single-Page Website Design
Year: 2022
Read Time: 3 minutes

I realised that to convey the large scope of the organisation, while highlighting its many focus areas and institutes, a minimal approach may not be the most effective in terms of communicating the grandeur, scale and impact of GHLUIH. I started by representing the most key features as simple icons, both in line drawings and solid shapes, and playing around with how these worked together to form a unified unit.
The final logo was as follows.

After talking to the client, It was immediately clear the large scale of GHLUIH. GHLUIH would be involved in multiple aspects of healthcare, from education and treatment to research and innovation. GHLUIH aimed to be the first of its’ kind healthcare city, on par with the best research centres across the world.
GHLUIH would consist of 6 institutes under it:
1. GIMSR - Global Institute of Medical Studies & Research
2. GILSSR - Global Institute of Life Sciences Studies & Research
3. GICE - Global Institute of Clinical Excellence
4. GICR - Global Institute of Clinical Research
5. GCIIMT - Global Centre for Innovation Incubation & Medical Technology
6. GIMAT - Global Institute ion MedTech & Advanced Technologies
I made a quick mind map of the words that I felt best represented the organisation and it’s personality and essence, based on my conversations with the client, followed by a simple mood board.

The colour palette consists of colours that were chosen to depict the feeling of healthcare, innovation, technology and excellence. The colours are further less in intensity, adding to the professional, elite feel of the brand.
Inter was chosen as the primary typeface. It is a flexible typeface that can be used to be more expressive while maintaining a professional feel for the brand. Inter also features a tall x-height to aid in readability of mixed-case and lower-case text, making it a good choice for both print and digital design works.

HOW IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER - Building a Branding System


To check out GHLUIH and their incredible work, click here